A. K. Khan Telecom Limited

A. K. Khan Telecom Limited

AKTL is a leading solution provider of end-to-end Telecom and IT solutions and services. We are specialized in providing products, services and solutions in data and voice communications. Our company is a sister concern of A.K. Khan & Co. Ltd, Bangladesh. A.K. Khan & Co. Ltd is one of the oldest and largest business houses in Bangladesh with a very diversified portfolio of companies under it. These subsidiaries are involved in manufacturing, trading, textiles, telecommunications, deep-sea fishing, engineering and shipping. AKTL’s score practices are in Application Development, Integration, Networking and Enterprise Solutions. We deliver our solutions through a combination of offshore, onsite, and offsite centers in order to deliver maximum value to our customers. AKTL was founded in 2000. It has been a pioneer in the Bangladesh Telecom and IT industry and continues to be a market leader. We played a pioneer role in providing Data Connectivity through Citycell and then Robi and Banglalink for the very first time in Bangladesh.


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