Android App

Android Apps are the largest market worldwide, and benefit from an open-source community

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Projects on Spryte Using Android App


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Browse ongoing & completed projects using Android App

 DSE Wizard — A Digital Signage Solution For Android

DSE Wizard — A Digital Signage Solution For Andro...

We delivered an Android mobile app as an assistant for a digital signage software solution to efficiently manage media content on connected screens.

 Delivery Management Software Development

Delivery Management Software Development

We’ve extended the client’s current delivery management software by adding several features in line with the existing code architecture.

 Oil And Gas Land Management Software Development For BSEE

Oil And Gas Land Management Software Development ...

Oil and gas management software created for a U.S. federal agency to monitor the current condition, reliability and safety of oil platforms.

 Property Survey Application

Property Survey Application

The client is based in Canada and is a market leader in the home building industry and real estate for customer experience management. The Canada based consulting firm works with homebuilders, vendors...

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