Home AI Assitant And Enterprise AI Assistant
Spryte Verified
Woohoo is a Home AI Assistant and Enterprise AI Assistant. Woohoo provides convenient AI technologies to homes and enterprises through its Voice-as-a-Service ( VaaS), Facial Recognition and a Cloud-based AI Platform. With a cloud based SaaS (software-as-a-service), now you can control your home from anywhere, anytime. C Woohoo is the market’s first AI-based Digital home assistant and enterprise assistant. Featuring an interactive user experience and technologies that allow connectivity with other smart devices. Woohoo creates a truly connected home. WooHoo is the next generation of smart AI assistants for your home, office or anywhere really. This is a good looking personal assistant and a capable speaker.
In the present busy generation people often forget about the electronic devices they switched on in their homes and rush to their workplace, due to this wastage of current has been increased and sometimes electric short circuits are taking place at home which is a risk for people, mostly children. To sort out these issues SmartBeings Inc created a personal assistant application called WOOHOO with extra features using the latest technology like AI and IoT.
Developers developed Woohoo smart hub featuring a 7-inch touchscreen display where you can view all the relevant information and even interact. The Android app is designed with ZigBee Z-wave bluetooth, backs up all of that up with a cellular SIM card. The integration of a ZigBee and Z-wave chip allowsWooHoo to act as a complete IoT hub, automatically connecting with other IoT devices(more than 1500+ devices out of the box) and backup battery life is provided in case power goes out. A security camera has facial detection and it spins a full 360 degrees. It is designed with motion detection and facial recognition. IOT services: The software is developed in such a way that it responds to voice commands through IoT technology. Smart home devices such as projectors, TVs, security cameras, coffee machines, motion sensors, air quality sensors, lighting, and thermostats can be controlled through WooHoo anytime and from anywhere. Telecommunication: It is designed in such a way that users can make billings, they can make plan management, and self services. Strategic Consulting: Users can access proprietary research reports. HealthCare: Creating a Scheduling Assistant is possible with WooHoo, users can create a meeting request, add attendees, and check when they are free or busy. It even provides referral management where users can communicate with care physicians, specialists, and health providers involved in a patient’s care. Hospitality: Concierge services can be provided with WooHoo and other services like hotel visitor analytics, check in assistance, in room entertainment voice-enabling housekeeping are possible with WooHoo. Retail: 24/7 smart shopping assistant is available. Senior Care: Users can set pill remainders and it can monitor health and update day to day , 911 emergency, Child care, Education, Manufacturing, Travel & Transport and more. Smart Home Experience: Calendering, setting up alarms is possible through voice commands. Voice enabling employees access to internal business products/services.
Project Overview
The tech stacks
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Android SDK
Google AdMob
Project Types
Apply AI
Create AI
Embedded Devices and IoT