Endur Energy and commodities trading software

Spryte Verified


With this trading platform, you’ll have automated processing of both physical transactions and financial derivatives. You’ll gain a consolidated physical to financial view of positions, risk and P&L on one system – making it easier to uncover opportunities and reduce risk. Openlink Endur helps organizations: Reduce time spent on back-office processing. Automate from front to back office with straight-through processing. Reduce time spent on reconciliations. Provide a single source of the truth. Improve visibility into market positions and P&L. Power decision-making through real-time position and performance data. Tap new markets quickly – users can scale to trade new asset classes and types quickly and cost-effectively. Key components include: Market Module- Provides and saves all forward curve definitions and data, whether straight from a pricing source, derived from other price curves or formula-based as well as rates, volatilities, correlations and VaR sensitivity factors. Trading Module- Flexible trade capture, retrieval and reporting capabilities including pre-trade simulations, stress testing, and complex pricing modelling for financial and physical deal attributes. Credit Module- Real-time monitoring of exposures against limits through standard and user-defined credit calculations. Risk Module- Real-time monitoring of market risk exposures including mark to market, Greeks, value-at-risk against limits using standard and user defined calculations. A full solution for limits monitoring, market and credit risk management. Operations Module- Provides transaction processing tasks that include trade validation, settlement, deal fixing, options exercise, report generation and end-of day processes such as the generation of confirmations and settlements. Also maintains system parameters, limits and controls and monitors all workflows and processes, including end-of-day runs. Accounting Module- Captures trades, credit and settlements to update the ledger. Sub-ledger functionality and invoice processing and payment information can be tracked and synced with Credit Module for real-time monitoring. Mark to market and accruals are both supported. Administration Module- A repository for all static data in the system including product types, delivery locations, pipeline information and user profiles. Reference Module- Includes all counterparty and internal business unit information via security-based privileges. Logistics Module- Covering bulk logistics (cMotion), power scheduling (pMotion), and gas pipeline scheduling (gMotion). RiskPak- Risk management measuring and reporting tool. Back Office and Operations- Includes clearing and settlement, reconciliation and confirmation. Report Builder- Point-and-click for operational and analytical reporting.


Regulatory changes impact hedge accounting- In order to avoid earnings volatility, hedges that qualify as highly effective can be afforded hedge accounting treatment. However implementing hedge accounting requires a large amount of work documenting the hedge relationship and proving both prospectively and retrospectively that the hedge relationship is effective. Evolving regulations and accounting standards (e.g. IFRS 9) make it more difficult to keep systems current with the latest rules and methodologies. Regulation – preparing for the inevitable- A wave of high-profile regulation is steadily being codified into rules by government agencies around the world. With the stakes so high and the cost of regulation escalating, firms are looking to understand the implications of the regulatory onslaught and build the necessary solutions. Costs and risks associated with front to back office reconciliation- Because many firms use different systems that are not well integrated, people performing different functions aren’t using a single, consistent set of information. Errors that arise in transferring data between systems need to be corrected introducing delays for users; for a trader or risk manager who wants to see trading positions in real-time this can be critical.


Measure hedge effectiveness and minimize earnings volatility- The Openlink solution analyzes the effectiveness of hedges (under IFRS9, IAS39 or FAS 133) and invoke the appropriate hedge accounting treatment. It features our best-of-breed Hedge Analyzer module for robust hedge effectiveness testing, and provides complete transparency that enables users to drill into postings to verify all payment, accrual or valuation calculations on the trade. This solution also supports the statutory reporting required for hedge accounting. Value Delivered- You can automate the application of hedge accounting rules and methodologies to ensure hedges are being correctly treated; giving you the reassurance that earnings statements are being correctly reported and subject to minimal volatility. Rely on Openlink to provide a cost effective solution for regulatory compliance- Openlink is committed to staying at the forefront of regulatory reform, working closely with clients, regulatory agencies, clearing houses, clearing members, service providers and trade data repositories to keep pace with the rapidly evolving derivatives landscape. Openlink continues to provide leading technology solutions for the energy and financial services markets with its suite of regulatory compliance software. One solution from front to middle to back office- With Openlink you get one integrated solution and one set of data that covers end-to-end processes from equity production, gas processing, forecasting, sourcing and storage/transport optimization to marketing, trading, contract management and position management through to risk, accounting, reporting and compliance in the back office. This removes errors that arise in transferring data between systems and ensures that traders and risk managers can see correct up-to-date positions at all times. Value Delivered- This also eliminates a lot of the reconciliation work that typically goes on between the front to back office.

Project Overview

The tech stacks

OpenLink Endur

OpenLink Endur




Project Types

ERP Integration

ERP Integration